27 Feb2024

The Graduate Institute of Medical Humanities (GIMH) in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Taipei Medical University (Taiwan) is recruiting applicants for two open rank tenure-track positions in medical humanities and social sciences.

The Graduate Institute of Medical Humanities (GIMH) in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Taipei Medical University (Taiwan) is recruiting applicants for two open rank tenure-track positions in medical humanities and social sciences.

We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds working within the social sciences and humanities, with projects that respond to contemporary, global urgencies in healthcare and
human wellbeing. We are especially interested in candidates with interdisciplinary experience in (but not limited to) the following: health disparities and social medicine;
embodiment of illness/wellness; medical history; environmental health and sustainability; human rights; and/or quantitative or mixed methods. Candidates are expected to teach and
develop research in their area of specialty and contribute to other related areas of the curriculum. Knowledge of Mandarin is not required for this position, but fluency in English is

The GIMH is an interdisciplinary research and teaching institute offering a unique education in Taiwan, led by faculty in social medicine, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and
medical education. For more information on current faculty and students, and our partnering graduate institutes in Mind-Brain Consciousness and Law, please see the GIMH website.
To apply please send the following materials to Ms. Doe Lin (doedoe1234567@tmu.edu.tw) before April 30, 2025. Committee review of materials will commence on April 30 for both of
the two open positions, with an anticipated starting date of August 1, 2025.
Please direct any questions about the materials to Ms. Lin.

(Materials needed) *需提供資料
1. 個人履歷表及自傳 Curriculum vitae and 200-300 word autobiographical statement
2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) Photocopy of PhD diploma
and any other degrees earned. Note that foreign diplomas must be verified in advance by
one of the overseas offices of the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office (TECO), Republic of
China (Taiwan)
3. 著作目錄及重要著作 Publication list and samples of three key works (may include
dissertation, grant proposals, or other forms of writing or professional expression)
4. 可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching philosophy and interests, including
outlines for 2-3 possible courses that you could offer at the graduate level (MA/PhD)
5. 過去教學之課程綱要 Teaching portfolio of other course syllabi and teaching evaluations
(student evaluations and/or peer reviews, letters, or other artifacts demonstrating past or
current teaching experience)
6. 推薦函二封 Two professional letters of recommendation

Please assemble all of the above materials into one single PDF and submit to Ms. Lin before April 30.