01 Jan2025
➮ What are the special features of generational justice and gender equality in a "super-aged society"?
➮ What is the focus of innovation and policy direction in technological R&D and industrial transformation? How will they affect resource allocation?
➮ What are the new challenges in medical care, public health deployment, long-term care, welfare policies, fiscal sustainability, labor force, technological research and development?
➮ What policy initiatives are required to strengthen the link between medical care and long-term care services? Additionally, how can we develop smart technologies to benefit both healthcare providers and patients?
➮ How do we view the fundamental issues surrounding longevity, aging, health, life expectancy, hospice, generational relationships, and bioethics?
➮ Could the crisis be a turning point, prompting rapid progress in policy, medical technology research and development, and social and cultural transformation?
➮ Care is a common phenomenon that primarily affects individuals and families in the super-aged societies. The caregiving network interweaves the boundaries of workforce and resources among generations, public vs. private sectors, national borders, body, mind, and soul. All these phenomena lead to inquiries of cross-cultural perspectives on care and labor in everyday life.
➮ How will the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) affect the aging care systems?
➮ At least 3 articles are required, and a maximum of 5 articles (including discussants).➮ If the article has multiple co-authors, the corresponding author will be the main contact for submission-related information.➮ Submissions should include the title of the panel, the abstract of the panel (300-500 words, please describe the topics discussed by the group, the relationship between each article, etc.), the panel keywords (3-5), and the title and abstract of each article (250-300 words), keywords (3-5), affiliation and position title.
➮Each person can submit only one panel proposal. If the article has multiple co-authors, the corresponding author will be the main contact for submission-related information.
➮ If an article has multiple co-authors, the corresponding author will be the main contact for submission-related information.➮ Please fill out the paper title, abstract (250-300 words), keywords (3-5), your affiliations and position title when submitting your article.
➮ There is no registration fee required when submitting an article.➮ After receiving the acceptance notice, please complete the registration and payment on time. Registration must be consistent with the identity of the contributor.➮ Anyone who participates in the annual meeting must register and pay the fee.