01 Dec2022

TALK-2022.12.06 9-11a.m 《Research as a tool for action: buzzword, fiction, or open-ended path?》

"Research as a tool for action: buzzword, fiction, or open-ended path?"
▲What happens to our research outside the comfort zone of academia? This lecture will deal with the so-called evidence-practice or evidence-policy gap, its dilemmas, and countermeasures. Based on the evolution of different approaches to knowledge translation and mobilization, ongoing discussions around the topic, and my experiences of doing research in the global south, I will reflect on what we know so far, the stories we tell ourselves, and the possibilities of doing research as a tool for action.

▲Speaker /Dr.Adriana Díaz del Castillo H.
Medical anthropology, MD and director/co-founder of Ensamble Investigaciones

▲Researcher with 15 years of experience applying qualitative research methods to document experiences, evaluate policies and programs, and identify lessons learned. My background in Medicine (MD from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia) and social sciences (MA from the University of Amsterdam) has allowed me to work on multi-disciplinary and inter-institutional research projects covering a variety of topics such as urban and rural community programs, health services, health promotion, built environment, education, and conflict. I have worked as a researcher and consultant for public and private institutions and multilateral organizations in Colombia and abroad, and as a lecturer in undergraduate and graduate programs. I currently work as a consultant and researcher and seasonal instructor for the School of Medicine, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. I am passionate about working on projects that promote equity and well-being.

▲Date ─ 2022.12.06 (Tue)9-11 a.m
▲Venue ─ Online Talk
▲Registration ─ Please contact me on Facebook to get the link.