" Studying Social Media Use: Journey of Success and Setbacks"
▲Speaker / Dr. Chia-chen Yang 楊佳蓁副教授
Associate Professor ,Educational Psychology,Oklahoma State University
▲Date ─ 2023.07.18(Tue)2-5 p.m
▲Venue ─5F, Teaching & Research Building, Shuang Ho Campus,TMU.(No.301, Yuantong Rd. Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City )中和區圓通路301號5F
▲Registration ─ Please contact me on Facebook Messenger.
Dr. Chia-chen Yang’s research focuses on "the use of social media by adolescents and college students." In this event, Dr. Yang will share her insights into quantifying participants' Facebook data and accessing their digital world through a "Facebook Tour." These methods represent uncharted territory for Dr. Yang, bringing forth both fruitful research outcomes and occasional setbacks that may even lead to dead ends. By sharing her experiences of success and challenges, Dr. Yang hopes to encourage the audience to explore how to leverage the wealth of data available on social media to answer their own research questions.
楊佳蓁老師的研究主軸為「青少年與大學生的社群媒體使用」。透過這次活動,楊老師將與大家分享她如何量化研究參與者的臉書資料,並透過「臉書導覽(Facebook Tour)」進入研究參與者的數位世界。這些方法對楊老師來說都是新的探索,而這些探索有些帶來豐富的研究成果,有些則讓她感到挫折甚至無疾而終。透過分享這些成功與挫折的經驗,楊老師希望鼓勵大家一起思考,如何使用社群媒體豐富的資料來回答自己有興趣的研究問題。