博士 英國蘭卡斯特大學 (Lancaster University, UK) 社會學系
我關注女性的生育和照護在生物醫學、社會文化、身體經驗上的多元實作探討,在社會學、科技與社會(science, technology and society, STS)和女性主義等研究訓練下,主要探索個體、社會以及科技的相互形塑。例如,我以都市民族誌研究調查方法,探討女性和伴侶的生殖科技經驗以及臨床實作的照護邏輯,同時也進行跨國比較的移地研究。相關研究成果已發表在學術期刊、專書篇章、以及國內外的學術研討會。以下說明四個面向的研究成果:
施麗雯(2019)〈孕產照護邏輯:台灣女性的新生育選擇與共同修補〉。《女學學誌》44: 1-46。(TSSCI) [文章連結]
施麗雯(2018)〈丹麥孕產照護運作:助產師和產科醫師共同照護的模式〉。《台灣公共衛生雜誌》37(3): 280-294。(TSSCI)[文章連結]
Shih, Li-Wen (2018) Moral Bearing: The Paradox of Choice, Anxiety and Responsibility in Taiwan. In Selective reproduction in the 21st century (pp. 97-122). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. [著作連結]
施麗雯 (2017)〈誰來陪產:從酒吧到產房〉,頁241-247。收入於王宏仁等編,《巷仔口社會學第二輯》,新北市:大家出版。[著作連結]
施麗雯(2014)〈To do or not to do? 台灣懷孕女性與產前篩檢與檢測〉,頁125-138。收入林文源等編著,《科技社會人2》,交通大學出版社。[著作連結]
Shih, Li-Wen (2021) “Translation of Prenatal Genetic Screening and Testing from the 1970s to the present in Taiwan” Chronic Living Conference: quality, vitality and health in the 21st century, 4th-6th March 2021, Copenhagen University, Denmark.
Li-Wen Shih (2020) ‘I See Their Sounds’: Danish Midwives’ ‘Silent Skill’ In Women’s Labour And Its Logic Of Care. In Taiwanese Sociological Association Annual Conference. 28th-29th November 2020, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Shih, Li-Wen (2020) “Change with Time? Taiwanese Women’s Situatedness of Being Single and Childless” EASST/4S 2020 Conference. 18th-21st August 2020, Prague.
Shih, Li-Wen (2020) “Rearticulating Natural Birth: Rebozo as an Alternative Treatment in Childbirth in Denmark” Gendering Transformations, 28th-30th October 2020, National Central Library, Taiwan. (abstract accepted, conference postponed)
Shih, Li-Wen (2019) “Matters of Care in Childbirth: Meeting Expectations and Shared Doctoring in Taiwanese Maternity Care” Nordic STS conference, 13th-14th June 2019, Tampere University, Finland.
Shih, Li-Wen (2018) “Risky Pregnancy? Encountering Choice and Risk Assessment in Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis” EASST2018 Conference: Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society together, 25th -28th July 2018, Lancaster University, UK.
Shih, Li-Wen “Meeting Expectations of Childbirth: Taiwanese Women’s New Reproductive Choice and Shared Doctoring in Maternity Care” Taiwanese Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 1st-2nd December 2018, National Chiao-Tung University. (Chinese)
Shih, Li-Wen (2018) “The Promise of Prenatal Genetic Screening and Testing and Taiwanese Women's reproductive Choice” Reproductive futures in the Asia Pacific, 7th-8th June 2018, Monash University, Australia.
Shih, Li-Wen (2017) “Enacting Bodies: Pregnant Women and Their Fotuses in Prenatal Ultrasound Scans in Taiwan” EASA Medical Anthropology Network meeting Bodies in Transition, 5th-7th July 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
Shih, Li-Wen (2016) “Choreographing Childbirth: The Logic of Maternity Care and the Logic of Women’s Reproductive Choice” 4S/EASST, 31st August–3rd September 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
Shih, Li-Wen (2015) “Drawing as a Method/ology: Situating and En-acting Up Taiwanese Pregnant Women’s Experience of Prenatal Screening and Testing” European Sociology Association Annual Conference, 26th-28th August 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
Shih, Li-Wen (2015) “Technological Mothering: Taiwanese Pregnant Women and Their Foetuses” The 13th Annual Conference of Gender and Health, 25th-26th April 2015, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.
Shih, Li-Wen (2015) “Body-Enacted: Prenatal Ultrasound Scans in Taiwan” When STS meets Humanities in Medicine Workshop, 24th March 2015, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan.
Shih, Li-Wen (2014) “Taiwanese Moral Pioneers: The Paradox of Choice, Anxiety and Responsibility” From Medicalization to Alternative Knowledge-in-Practice Workshop, 12th September 2014, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.
Shih, Li-Wen (2013) “Prenatal Care Shopping in Taiwan: The Logic of Prenatal Care and the Logic of Choice” Gender and Health Annual Conference 2013, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (winner of the best paper)
Shih, Li-Wen (2012) “Body-Enacted: Pleasure and Anxiety in Prenatal Screening and Testing in Taiwan” Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Shih, Li-Wen (2011) “From 2D, 3D, 4D, ET to the Cyborg Foetus: Refiguring Prenatal Ultrasound Scans” 1st October, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. (winner of the best paper)
Shih, Li-Wen (2011) “Drawing as a Research Method: Refiguring Prenatal Screening and Testing” Lancaster Sociology Summer Conference, 1st-3rd July, Lancaster University, UK.
Shih, Li-Wen (2010) “Body Enacted: Refiguring Prenatal Ultrasound Screening” PRISM 2010: Postgraduate Researchers in Science Medicine conference, 23rd September 2010, Lancaster University, UK.
Shih, Li-Wen (2009) “Engaging With Reproductive Technology: A Case Study of Prenatal Check in Taiwan” Lancaster Sociology Summer Conference, Lancaster University, UK.
Name of Course | Students | Note |
碩博士班課程 | ||
科技醫療與社會(必修) | 醫文所碩士班 | |
社會醫學(必修) | 醫文所碩士班 | 合授 |
醫學人文專題 (必修) | 醫文所碩士班 | |
性別與身體(選修) | 醫文所碩士班 | |
基因科技與社會文化變遷 (選修) | 醫文所碩士班 | |
Technology, Medicine & Society (必修) | 醫文所碩士班 | 全英文 |
Qualitative Research Methods (選修) | 公共衛生學院 | 全英文 |
質性研究法(必修) | 護理學研究所博士班 | 合授 |
Social Medicine (必修) | 醫文所碩士班 | 全英文、合授 |
Philosophy in nursing science & knowledge construction (必修) | 護理學研究所博士班 | 全英文、合授 |
Global Health and Cross Culture Care (選修) | 護理學研究所碩博士班 | 全英文、合授 |
大學部 | ||
社會學 (必修) | 高齡健康管理學系大一 | |
Introduction to Sociology (選修) | 通識中心 | 全英文、合授 |
從病人行為到醫病關係(必修) | 醫學系大二 | 合授 |
科技與社會:性別、健康與公民參與(選修) | 通識中心 | |
性別與健康(選修) | 通識中心 | |
醫療社會學(必修) | 醫務管理學系大三 | |
社區衛生學(必修) | 公共衛生學系大三 | 合授 |
社會醫學(必修) | 醫學系大三 |