20 Nov2020

《Work-family interface: From a lifespan perspective 》

《Work-family interface: From a lifespan perspective 》
Eunae Cho (Assistant Prof. at Graduate Institute of Humanities in Medicine ,TMU)
2020/11/24(Tue.) 13:00-15:00
101 Conference room,CHSS building
Ample research on work-family interface suggests that work and family are interdependent. While much research attention has been paid to the “prime age” working adults who are caregivers of young children, a growing body of research suggests that benefits and challenges associated with multiple role engagement are evident throughout lifespan. In this talk, I will share three research study examples of the work-family interaction throughout the life span (1: college student; 2: working adults; 3: older workers). In sum, this research program highlights that considering work-family interface across lifespan is important.