國際知名社會學家、女性主義學者Celia Roberts教授將於11月再次訪台。兩場公開的演講將針對新興表徵遺傳學(reproductive Epigenetics)的論述如何影響當代這些準備懷孕、和正在懷孕中的女性和伴侶對生育以及對後代子孫健康的理解。
Reproductive Epigenetics
【Celia Roberts教授訪台演講】
Science in Society? Translating Epigenetic Risk in Pregnancy
Speaker: Professor Celia Roberts
School of Sociology, Australian National University
Chair: 吳嘉苓教授
Date: 2024年11月23日(六) 10:45-12:15
Venue: 台灣社會學會年會
報名連結 :
Pregnancy is increasingly understood within biomedicine and in both EuroAmerican and Asian cultures more broadly as a process of risk transmission between parents and future children. Both couples intending to become pregnant and those already expecting a child are advised to pay careful attention to the ways in which their physical and emotional health may affect their future children’s and even their grandchildren’s wellbeing. In tune with culturally persistent ideas about maternal imprinting, the emerging and controversial science of epigenetics attempts to articulate the biological pathways of such transmission. What difference might this science make to antenatal care and embodied experiences of pregnancy?
Introducing analysis from an ongoing interdisciplinary study of the translation of epigenetics into antenatal care in Australia, this paper explores two key ideas in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and the Social Studies of Health and Medicine: science as practice, and translation. It will showcase how sociology can shed light on the complex movements of scientific knowledge from laboratories and research institutes into healthcare, embodied experience and everyday life. Discussing a range of data from interviews with leading scientists and maternal health practitioners, analyses of media representations, and dialogue groups with recent parents, I will analyse the multiple forms translations can take. In the case of antenatal care and pregnancy, I will also discuss what is rendered less visible in these translations. What is lost when pregnancy-related risk is figured as epigenetic?
Responsibility, Heritability, Vulnerability: Pregnancy in The Age of Epigenetics
Speaker: Celia Roberts
Professor, School of Sociology, Australian National University
Chair: 施麗雯
副教授 / 臺北醫學大學醫學人文研究所
Date: 2024年11月26日(二) 13:00-15:00
Venue: 臺北醫學大學醫學人文研究所(雙和校區)教研大樓5樓502
報名 :
Concentrating on eggs, sperm and pregnancy, the science of epigenetics explores the biological pathways through which harms can be transmitted from parents to their children and grandchildren. How is this science changing pregnancy and maternal healthcare? Reporting on a 3 year interdisciplinary study of antenatal care in Australia, this paper explores how maternal healthcare workers and recent parents engage with ideas about responsibility heritability and vulnerability articulated in this emerging science.